
"...at which point it very much is." [sneakpeek]

The canvas for my next piece:

Moms was right, my art career has been nothing but a waste of money.


Dollface Gasmask - Painter WIP

I've been meaning to get into Painter for a while, so after watching several hours of demo videos, I decided to start with the Dollface sketch I posted a couple back. Just blocking in colors and shapes, while learning where all the buttons are.



Iron Man WIP

Just got started on an Iron Man sketch from an oddball camera angle, which is proving more difficult than I thought. Plan is to use it as half of a standoff shot. Stuck on who should be getting all up in his mask. Ideas?


Dollface Gasmask

Wow. Last post was well over a year ago. Right after I graduated. I guess I ran away from both art and productivity. Consider that over.

I'm going to blame Myles for this. He bought me a sketchbook. I can ignore and leave my own sketchbooks for dead, but apparently having someone gift me one is motivation. Thanks again buddy!

This is from one of the Dr. Sketchy's here in town. Gotta love the Sketchy.

Stay tuned, business is about to pick up.